A Global Climate Emergency Through the Eyes of Cleveland, OH (Part III)

by Emily Qian

In this final article in this series, we’ve been reminded of the many ways in which Cleveland’s local government, businesses, and nonprofits have been rallied to combat this growing problem. Ultimately, in the very real and pervasive issue of this climate emergency, there is no clear solution. Yet, through proactively seeking increased understanding, becoming caring citizens of our planet, and taking persistent action – whether big or small – we truly can make a difference.

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Should Big Tech Companies be Regulated under Antitrust Laws? A Primer

by Abraham Paik

As technology begins to permeate every aspect of our lives, many are beginning to ask questions about whether Big Tech has gotten too expansive. Do these companies control too much of the market? Are they helping themselves or the consumers? Should anything be done about this? The answers aren’t quite so clear.

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A Quick Guide to Andrew Yang's Freedom Dividend

by Grace Zhang

If you’ve been paying attention to Andrew Yang, you’ve heard about his Freedom Dividend. But what is it and how does it work? Here’s a quick breakdown about everything you need to know about Yang’s Freedom Dividend and universal basic income.

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The Corruption Within Private Prisons

by Elliana Polyak

Although private prisons account for a small overall percentage of America’s incarcerated population, they have grown at a disproportionate rate, with an astounding 1600 percent increase in their populations from 1990 to 2005. When it comes to cost and quality, are private prisons better or worse than public prisons?

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