Microplastics in Your Water: The Forgotten Chemicals of Everyday Life

By: Fatema Dinary

Plastic is an ongoing problem in our environment and has polluted countless ecosystems to date. The durable, reusable material has become popular over the years due to advancements in technology and mainstream platforms that advertise such materials. Yet, the worst consequence of plastics is how ubiquitous it has become in our everyday lives from microwavable containers to bottled water. Studies have proven that on average we consume 5 grams, the weight of a credit card, in plastic weekly. Such harmful intake could wreak havoc on one's health and surroundings. Therefore, here are ten reasons why you should steer clear of plastic for yourselves and your loved one:

Bottled Water is an Unknown Water Source

Bottled water labeled as purified water is often merely municipal tap water that has undergone filtration.

The Plastic In Bottled Water Presents Chemical Dangers

Plastic water bottles contain chemicals, and those chemicals can leach into the water.

Bottled Water Undergoes Unknown Water Treatments

Whereas tap water is strictly regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bottled water is regulated under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a completely separate federal agency.

Tap Water Is More Regulated Than Bottled Water

Under the EPA's regulations, particularly the Safe Drinking Water Act that regulates every public water system in the country, municipal water companies must ensure their water contains minimal contaminants and is safe for consumption.

The Harmful Effects Of Plastic Water Bottles On The Environment Are Significant

Remember that statistic about how every second, 1,000 people in the United States open a bottle of water? Every second, people throw away 1,000 plastic water bottles, too. Plastic bottles can take 450 years to decompose, so a plastic bottle you throw away tomorrow could still be taking up space in the ground or floating in the ocean centuries from now.

Making Plastic Water Bottles Wastes Our Fresh Water

The problems with manufacturing disposable plastic bottles don't stop with carbon emissions and pollution. Making plastic water bottles consumes vast amounts of water as well.

Plastic Water Bottle Production Has A Hefty Carbon Footprint

Making plastic water bottles has an astoundingly negative effect on carbon levels in the atmosphere. Manufacturing just one pound of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a plastic commonly found in disposable plastic water bottles, can generate up to three pounds of carbon dioxide.

Bottled Water Is Expensive

If you purchase bottled water, you're probably paying more than a dollar for a single bottle, or several dollars for a case, and all that money quickly adds up.

Plastic Water Bottles Offer Limited Reuse

Plastic Water Bottles Present Bacterial Health Risks



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