Simple Beginners Recipe: Biden's VP

Recipe by: Emily Qian

Total Time: 1 week (estimation subject to delays based on past experience)

Makes: 1 serving


1 cup of ideological match, softened to room temperature (Biden)

2 large target-demographics (1 female, 1 POC)

1 cup of political experience

2 tsp of positive public presence (including effective speaking skills)

2 Tbs of youth (optional but suggested)


  1. Preheat oven to August.

  2. Cream together wet ingredients until smooth. Stir in remaining dry ingredients. Place onto ungreased pans.

  3. Bake for around 1 week. 

Sample Options for Recipe Variations (Politico)

Kamala Harris - well known, effective debater, prominent response for COVID/politce reform

Susan Rice - incredible foreign policy experience, successfully worked with Biden in the past

Elizabeth Warren - prominent leftist, effective debater, robust grassroots fundraising

Stacey Abrams - compelling personal story, advocate for voting rights, draws progressives/POC

Tammy Baldwin - strong combo of left/swing-state electability, rep for LGBTQ+ community


“Been waiting for a recipe like this for so long! Haven’t tried it yet but I’m excited to see how it works out!”

“Truly a crowd pleaser!”

“Not what I expected, but was passable.”