Simple Beginners Recipe: Biden's VP
Recipe by: Emily Qian
Total Time: 1 week (estimation subject to delays based on past experience)
Makes: 1 serving
1 cup of ideological match, softened to room temperature (Biden)
2 large target-demographics (1 female, 1 POC)
1 cup of political experience
2 tsp of positive public presence (including effective speaking skills)
2 Tbs of youth (optional but suggested)
Preheat oven to August.
Cream together wet ingredients until smooth. Stir in remaining dry ingredients. Place onto ungreased pans.
Bake for around 1 week.
Sample Options for Recipe Variations (Politico)
Kamala Harris - well known, effective debater, prominent response for COVID/politce reform
Susan Rice - incredible foreign policy experience, successfully worked with Biden in the past
Elizabeth Warren - prominent leftist, effective debater, robust grassroots fundraising
Stacey Abrams - compelling personal story, advocate for voting rights, draws progressives/POC
Tammy Baldwin - strong combo of left/swing-state electability, rep for LGBTQ+ community
“Been waiting for a recipe like this for so long! Haven’t tried it yet but I’m excited to see how it works out!”
“Truly a crowd pleaser!”
“Not what I expected, but was passable.”