Posts tagged politics
What is A Lobbyist?

By: Martina Aucejo

Recently, I’ve been falling down a rabbit hole. An internet rabbit hole. I have no idea what I want to do as a career when I grow up, so I’ve been doing some job digging and I thought, “hey, might as well share with the world what I’m learning”, mostly because there are so many specific careers out there that aren’t talked about enough. The job that I will be talking about in this article is a lobbyist.

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American Recovery

By: Snigdha Cingireddi

The Coronavirus epidemic occurred in late 2019, but the American recovery could be closer than expected with the hopes of a possible recovery with a Moderna vaccine. This poses a lot of problems, though, such as what happens after the pandemic? Will we really restore the depleting prestige of America? How is the world's most strong nation going to recover?

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