A-Spec Terms Video and Script

By: Percy Okoben

Hello, guys, gals and non-binary pals. My name is Percy Okoben, I use he/him and they/them pronouns, and today we are going to be discussing the asexual identities.

Firstly, let’s define the term asexual. Asexual refers to a person who does not feel sexual attraction towards anyone in any way, shape or form. The opposite of this is zedsexual or allosexual, depending on how you want to define it. Allosexual refers to someone who feels full sexual attraction towards other people.

The identities between asexual and zedsexual include the graysexual spectrum.

Halfway between asexual and zedsexual is the demisexual identity. Demi in french means “half” and demisexuals identify as halfway between asexual and zedsexual people, feeling a sexual attraction only after feeling romantic attraction towards someone. 

The opposite of this is fraysexual. Fraysexual people feel romantic attraction and sexual attraction at different times. Once they get to know someone better, their sexual attraction fades.

Another identity on the asexual spectrum is reciprosexuality. Reciprosexual people only feel sexual attraction after someone feels sexual attraction towards them.

The next identity we will be talking about is cupiosexuality, which is my own identity. People who are cupiosexual prefer to have a sexual relationship, but only feel sexual attraction in certain cases or not at all. This can also be called sex-positivity. There are also sex-negative and sex-neutral asexuals, but it all depends on the person.

The last term we will be describing in this video will be akoisexual, or lithsexual. Lith is derived from the Greek word for stone and some people in the lesbian community call themselves stones because they are lithsexual. Akoisexual people prefer to give sexual attraction but not receive it. 

This also brings us to slang. We, of course, know the word “stone,” but “paper” people only prefer to receive sexual attraction and “paper mache” people only prefer to receive or give sexual attraction at different times.

All these identities are valid and this is by no means an extensive list. If you identify on the spectrum, you are not alone and there are plenty of people here to support you. Thank you for watching and have a nice day.