Posts tagged 2020
2020: Another Year on Our Warming Planet

By: Meredith Stewart

It would be an understatement to say that 2020 was one hell of a year...literally. We started the year on the verge of World War III and ended it just before the first ever storming of the Capitol building by America’s own citizens. If there’s one story that stayed consistently in the news before being overshadowed by a new virus found in Wuhan, China, the potential impeachment of President Trump, or murder hornets migrating to North America, it was the story of raging wildfires.

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Words to Live By, 2020 Edition

By: Kaila Morris

After this year, I would be more than happy to never hear the word “unprecedented” used in a political context again––the stigma around it has been, to use my affectionate terminology, twenty-twenty-fied. That’s when something has been heard so many times over the course of 2020 that we’ve learned to expect a certain, most usually negative, outcome. Assuming you haven’t yet moved to a remote island in Oceania to escape the tumult of the past few months, chances are you know the feeling.

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