Posts tagged medical
Physician Assisted Suicide- Giving People the Right to Die with Dignity

By: Colleen Cannistra

One of the first things you are taught on the journey of becoming a doctor is the Hippocratic Oath. Essentially, under this oath, you pledge to “…prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; [and] to refrain from causing harm or hurt” (Britannica). Until recently, this practice has helped guide physicians everywhere from right and wrong. But what if it isn’t that simple?

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Talk About the Discomfort: Addressing the Japan-South Korea Feud

As my dad and I are driving on the highway, the radio station we’re listening to begins to play the Korean news channel. Yesterday, it talked about a celebrity being criticized for posting the Japanese confederate flag on their social media, and today the anchor could speak about the ongoing boycott on Japanese products in Korea, but none of this would faze me or my dad. For nearly a century, the two countries had never been at peace, at least politically and economically.

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