Posts tagged vaccine
India Covid-19 Vaccination Plan

By: Rhea Mahajan

There are 1.366 billion people that live in India - that means 171.9 people per square mile, a ridiculously large number compared to the United States’ population density of 13.5. Of course, having a large population comes with its challenges. Currently, the most pressing issue is how the Indian state plans to roll out a Covid-19 vaccine for all its citizens.

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A New Hope for The World: The Power of Medicine

By: Phillip Seo

After over nine months of prolonged suffering, isolation, death, economic collapse, and the discomfort everyone has felt, the world has finally reached a milestone in overcoming this pandemic. The world can anticipate the return of normality of hanging out with family and friends, being able to interact with people more closely without having to practice social distancing, and being able to go out without having to wear a mask.

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COVID-19 and Minorities: A Historical Trust Gap

By: Martina Aucejo

After months of living in a hellish world filled with more masks, hand sanitizer, and empty shelves in grocery stores than ever before, it seems as if the end of COVID-19 is finally in sight. Several countries such as New Zealand and Australia are Covid free, and countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have finally gained access to life-saving vaccines. However, not everyone is exactly running with open arms to get vaccinated.

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