
By: Bobin Park

No plane has ever crashed from turbulence 

That hit a little too close to home 

I knew we had seat belts for a reason 

That we had binding words to keep peace in air 

But how did we rest when the one to trust at the helm 

Knew as little about flying a plane as we do? 

The attendants wore different colors 

Of red and blue and i thought they had only one color 

Uniforms to represent the airline red white and blue 

Flashing seatbelt signs were not relieving 

Updates on the pilot both troubled and soothed me 

At least we knew he could turn the helm 

To what direction we still didn’t know 

Every news reporting the turbulence of the plane 

Was apparently fake news 

While he cited his degree of excellence 

From the same fake news he degreed as false  

And while the pilot has left the plane 

In this plane we no longer have the same 

Turmoil and unrest 

Prior to his leave 

I assure you it had not gone quietly 

We have now a new pilot 

Who might actually fly the plane 

Not constantly run into turbulence 

But now I always reach for my seatbelt 

Because God knows the engines have been dying 

The American trust in our government 

And so have its wings - we’re no longer safe in air 

So I truly wonder what the new pilot 

Will repair