By: Bobin Park
No plane has ever crashed from turbulence / That hit a little too close to home // I knew we had seat belts for a reason / That we had binding words to keep peace in air / But how did we rest when the one to trust at the helm / Knew as little about flying a plane as we do?
Read MoreBy: Bobin Park
Dried blood and flames of angry resistance erase any trace of
our founding fathers’ primary resolution of a free government
Dolls lay trampled on a ground besieged by pitchforks
The news is a myriad of terrors.
Read MoreBy: Martina Aucejo
This poem is a result of me reflecting on the state of the U.S and some recent events that have occurred, including but not limited to BLM, COVID-19 and the Capitol riots that occurred on January 6th, 2021. The poem may not be flawless, nor a piece of art, but I still hope that it is enjoyable.
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