Posts tagged pandemic
Are personality tests worth your time?

By: Martina Aucejo

During the pandemic, I’ve taken my fair share of personality tests. Whether it be a “what kind of cake are you” quiz from Buzzfeed, all the way to the Myers Briggs and enneagrams, I’ve taken ALL of the personality quizzes. It’s something I’ve been doing when I’m bored, or something that I’ve done while “multitasking” on homework.

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AP Exams During the Pandemic and the Digital Divide

By: Serene Hwang

Since March of 2020, most schools in the U.S. have moved to virtual learning due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Looking forward to college in the next couple years, American high school students have been especially affected by this transition. In the average U.S. high school, AP courses play a major role in the students’ lives.

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