Books Tackling Real World Problems

By: Kandace Kellon

Creating and discovering is very important for a child’s development, and a large part of that comes from teaching about how to do things. Concrete subjects such as math or english can be easier to teach, but when it comes to racism, politics, or a humanitarian crisis teaching that to a child in a way that they understand can be difficult. One way to help children understand these topics is by relating it to something they know. 
Times Magazine wrote an article about social justice through Dr. Seuss books. One example was One fish, Two fish, red fish, blue fish. “Overall, this tale of inclusivity cultivated an appetite for diversity and a delight for change, the magazine wrote; “It rejected the stereotypical ways of regarding persons and things through strict categorization.”

Cover of Dr. Seuss Book

Cover of Dr. Seuss Book

Some other books that cover “hard to understand topics”:

Loving yourself/Gender Identity: 

My Shadow Is Pink by Scott Stuart

Racism/Racial Injustice: 

Something Happened in Our Town: A Child's Story About Racial Injustice by Marriane Solano