We’re Citizens of Kindland– You Can Be Too

By: Kaila Morris and Rhea Mahajan

CLEVELAND, OH– It seems fitting that the city formerly known as “Station Hope,” a prime meeting point for abolitionists of the Underground Railroad, is once again working to become a model of what our country can, and should, represent.

In Cleveland, Ohio, a growing campaign called “Kindland” is urging citizens to unite to spread positivity and celebrate good. The project is run by Values into Action, an Ohio nonprofit that urges students and adults to build communities of kindness, and it offers its members an irresistible deal: commit to spreading kindness throughout the community, and you can be a citizen of Kindland, the first city to put kindness at its core. Overall, with your help, the Values into Action Kindland campaign hopes to document one million acts of kindness in Cleveland by the end of 2021, just by using the #kindland hashtag on social media.

In an era where youth are constantly fighting for large-scale change, kindness may not be paramount on your list of priorities. But at the core of social justice is a craving for a better future, fueled by an optimist’s determination, and the truth is that “better” begins with the actions we choose to do a minute from now, a day from now, a week from now: kindness begins with us and how we present ourselves to the world. By taking a moment to look in your own backyard and perform an act of good, no matter how simple, you will already be an advocate. So, to all our fellow Cleveland students, we urge you: become a citizen of Kindland. In signing a single pledge, in posting a single act of kindness with the #kindland hashtag, you’ll already be well on your way to social good.

But it doesn’t end there. Kindness is global, and you– regardless of where you live or what you have access to– can take on Kindland’s mission and values even beyond a Cleveland Twitter hashtag. Acts of Kindness can be as simple as smiling at a stranger or giving a compliment without the expectation of one in return, or as large as planting a tree or volunteering somewhere for a day. Try incorporating them into your life– and someone else’s. No matter the size, they will count, so long as they are working to defy the human need to “give-and-get,” and instead favoring the former.

As citizens of Kindland, we know that social justice begins with acceptance and kindness, and we believe the Kindland campaign is truly an epitome of those traits. To our fellow teenage advocates in Cleveland, we urge you to join us in creating a better tomorrow for The Land. To those beyond Cleveland’s walls: kindness is not limited by geography, and we urge you to perform an act of kindness in your community. Light the candle instead of cursing the darkness, because it is never too late for change.

Check out the articles linked below to learn more about Kindland! Also check out the pictures for some kindness inspiration. Best of wishes on your journey towards positivity!

