Losing America

By: Martina Aucejo

This poem is a result of me reflecting on the state of the U.S and some recent events that have occurred, including but not limited to BLM, COVID-19 and the Capitol riots that occurred on January 6th, 2021. The poem may not be flawless, nor a piece of art, but I still hope that it is enjoyable.

Red banners invade T.V. screens 

conquering our eyes, ears, and minds 

with urgency and desperation

as death tolls, impeachment, and crumbling politics

hold the gaze of the nation.

Breaking news flash before my eyes

blinding me with worry and paralyzing me with fear

yet I am unable to look away.

I am hanging onto the end of every syllable of the words BREAKING NEWS

reaching for hope that one day breaking news will be 

good news

only to succumb to the reality that it never has been 

and that it may never be.

My mind is supposed to be a temple

golden at every edge

sacred, untouchable, and safe.

yet it’s crumbling at the hands

of our nation’s state. 

My mind is unstable.

Unstable like American democracy

that has been invaded and penetrated

by our great patriots

who claim 

to fight for freedom and justice

pridefully chanting ‘U-S-A’,

boasting as innocents die  

from diseases and riots

ultimately destroying the trust 

we once had 

in our government and people.

Is this the America we want?

Immigrants come from near and far

seeking refuge and safety.

America lures them with a sweet cry of freedom and democracy

only for them to arrive to an America stained with broken systems and failed dreams.

My parents don’t look at Capitol Hill as a threat.


Capitol Hill is a reminder–

a reminder of corruption’s existence

a reminder of fear and helplessness

and a reminder as to why they immigrated in the first place. 

Is this the America they deserve?

People come into grocery stores

wearing an all too familiar cover

smothering their hands in hand sanitizer

holding an imaginary 6 foot ruler in front of them.

There are an exceptional few who bare their entire selves to the world

as it is their right to choose to not bare a cover

rather than a measure of safety or a moral responsibility.

Ah, yes–

It is our right to continue to as we please 

in the land of the free and the righteous 

and potentially put others in harm’s way

because others don’t have a right to live?

Where has our humanity gone?

Since when have we stopped caring for the common man

the poor woman 

and the hungry child?

Since when have we been so hateful and ignorant–

unwilling to communicate and trust others

solely because of the fact that

we disagree with each other?

Since when have we lost America?