What is A Lobbyist?

By: Martina Aucejo

Recently, I’ve been falling down a rabbit hole. An internet rabbit hole. I have no idea what I want to do as a career when I grow up, so I’ve been doing some job digging and I thought, “hey, might as well share with the world what I’m learning”, mostly because there are so many specific careers out there that aren’t talked about enough. The job that I will be talking about in this article is a lobbyist.

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Misleading Beauty Product Claims

By: Sarah Son

There is no doubt that you’ve seen skincare products with claims such as “age-defying” or “for all skin types” advertised on the product. You may have even bought these products in hopes of improving your skin, only to see that it left no special effect on your complexion. Below are six beauty marketing phrases that you should know the truth behind.

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